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Discover the history, significance, and modern uses of the tsurikawa, a popular Japanese car accessory. Learn why it's more than just a decoration.

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When it comes to driving, both comfort and safety are paramount. But, do you know how far you should sit from the steering wheel? The distance between you and the steering wheel can significantly affect your ability to control the car and respond to emergencies. In this blog post, we'll explore the optimal seating position for drivers and why it's crucial for both safety and comfort. Plus, discover how upgrading your steering wheel at JDM Performance can enhance your driving experience. Optimal Distance from the Steering Wheel Why It Matters Safety Considerations: Sitting too close to the steering wheel can...

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Welcome to the adrenaline-fueled world of Japanese Domestic Market JDM  drifting cars, a sport that combines speed, precision, and the art of controlled chaos. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the top JDM models favored by enthusiasts, the most popular modifications for performance and style, and the vibrant culture that surrounds this exhilarating motorsport. Whether you're a seasoned drifter or new to the scene, this post will provide you with all the essential information you need to immerse yourself in the world of JDM drifting. Top JDM Drifting Cars JDM drift cars are revered for their agility, rear-wheel-drive setup, and...

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fastest jdm cars, jdm, jdm accessories, jdm car parts, jdm cars, jdm parts -

The Fastest JDM Cars: Which One Takes the Crown? If you're a fan of Japanese Domestic Market (JDM) cars, you know that these machines are all about heart-pounding performance, lightning-fast speed, and endless tuning potential. From the legendary Nissan Skyline GT-R to the iconic Toyota Supra, JDM cars have been setting the streets ablaze and leaving their mark on the automotive world for decades. But when it comes to raw speed and modification possibilities, which JDM car reigns supreme? Let's dive in and explore the top contenders for the title of the fastest JDM car! Nissan GT-R (R35): Godzilla Unleashed...

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Why Are JDM Cars Illegal? -

Why Are JDM Cars Illegal? Understanding the Regulations Surrounding Japanese Domestic Market Vehicles Discover the reasons behind the illegality of JDM cars in certain countries. Learn about import regulations, safety standards, and emissions requirements that affect the legality of Japanese Domestic Market vehicles. Japanese Domestic Market (JDM) cars have gained a cult following among automotive enthusiasts worldwide. These vehicles, designed and manufactured specifically for the Japanese market, often feature unique styling, advanced technology, and impressive performance capabilities. However, despite their popularity, JDM cars are considered illegal in many countries. In this blog post, we'll explore the reasons behind the illegality...

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